With an innate elegance that is understated yet captivating, Minaki embodies a connoisseur of quality and sophistication. Understated Elegance is the key differentiator that sets us apart from local labels and ubiquitous designers. It built our reputation as the trendsetter in the jewelry and apparel industry.
Impeccable craftsmanship: Every piece is thoughtfully crafted and undergoes rigorous quality checks and tests to ensure we maintain high standards of craftsmanship and keep pushing the bar up. The look and feel of Minaki resonate with the personality of our consumers, who do not seek attention but can’t escape the limelight. Our original and ready-to-wear apparels feel customized for every individual.
High-quality standards: Though we are into fashion jewelry, our look & feel because of the quality and design sensibility makes us look close to real. We set high-quality standards comparable to the best in the next class. Great value for money and class-apart craftsmanship are a few of our many strong brand pillars.